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NSW Cracks Down on Abuse of First-Home Buyer Benefits

NSW Cracks Down on Abuse of First-Home Buyer Benefits

NSW Cracks Down on Abuse of First-Home Buyer Benefits?w=400
More than $9 million has been reclaimed in a concerted effort by Revenue NSW to ensure the first-home buyers program remains fair and effective.
This initiative comes in response to a small group of applicants attempting to exploit the system meant to aid genuine first-time homebuyers.

Through focused investigations, the compliance team at Revenue NSW identified and recovered $9.44 million that had been misappropriated by non-compliant applicants. These investigations were carried out with precision, targeting those who attempted to circumvent the laws of the first-home buyers program.

In the inaugural year of the expanded program, 33,365 first-time buyers either completely evaded stamp duty or received a discounted rate. With current thresholds, first-home purchases under $1 million qualify for these benefits, easing the financial burden for new homeowners.

The rules of the program stipulate that first-home buyers must occupy their new property within a year and maintain continuous residence for at least twelve months. This requirement saw 718 investigations initiated in the 2023/24 period, leading to 422 individuals having their stamp duty relief revoked or reduced. These 422 cases account for less than 1.3% of all successful applications.

Selection for investigation is far from random, relying on a sophisticated data-matching system that flags potential non-compliance. Data sources include the NSW Government Rental Bonds Board and federal institutions like the Department of Home Affairs and the Australian Taxation Office.

In some instances, tenant referrals trigger investigations. For example, suspicions may arise when tenants are asked to keep utility accounts in the owner's name. Such red flags prompt further scrutiny by the compliance team.

Revenue NSW’s compliance team comprises experts with decades of investigative experience from both public and private sectors. Their collaborative expertise ensures the first-home buyers program is correctly targeted to provide much-needed financial relief, while maintaining rigorous compliance checks.

This initiative reflects the shift under the Minns Labor Government, replacing the old Liberal-National Government policies with a more focused and larger threshold, benefiting over 18,000 new homebuyers who might have otherwise missed out under the previous scheme.

Minister for Finance Courtney Houssos emphasizes the importance of supporting new homeowners amid current economic challenges. "At a time of a cost-of-living crisis, the Minns Labor Government is committed to providing real relief to first-home buyers. This program is clearly working, helping more than 30,000 people into their first homes. Revenue NSW’s compliance team is ensuring that only those eligible for the scheme are able to use it."

Furthermore, Chief Commissioner of State Revenue Scott Johnston lauds their efforts, stating, "We’re very proud of our compliance team and the excellent work they do. Revenue NSW’s compliance programs are essential to maintaining the integrity of our programs. Our team works tirelessly to make sure the first-home buyers program is accessible to everyone who needs it, and that people who aren’t eligible don’t try to game the system."

Published:Monday, 2nd Sep 2024
Source: Paige Estritori

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